Topic: Decentralization


Summary of the 3 main acts related to blockchain technology

Malta has established itself as the ‘first mover’ in the regulation of businesses utilizing distributed ledger technology (DLT), upon which blockchain is based.  Recognizing the potential behind blockchain, Maltese lawmakers sought to develop a regulatory environment that addresses the risks arising from sinister uses of the technology while, at the...

Blockchain and the future of IP

Ten years from its genesis, blockchain is being touted as the greatest technological innovation since the emergence of the worldwide web back in 1991. 2017 was truly the year that blockchain made it to the mainstream, thanks to the meteoric price-hike of cryptocurrencies, particularly Bitcoin and Ethereum, which are built...

Blockchain and Crypto: Looking beyond the hype

The dialogue on the subject of blockchain has evolved since bitcoin achieved mainstream notoriety a few years ago.  At the time, markets were told that bitcoin was not blockchain and that the two terms were not to be confused with one another.  The prevailing impression was that there was something...

Crowdfunding on the Blockchain

Crowdfunding may easily represent the most accessible way for SMEs to raise financing. Blockchain is a highly effective and arguably revolutionary technology. Together, crowdfunding and blockchain, are an effective medium between the person launching an idea and those people who intend to participate in that idea.     A crowdfunding structure is...



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