Topic: Internet


Copyright aspects of hyperlinking

A hyperlink, or simply a link, is a reference to data found elsewhere on the internet. It is the most common tool used to share information online and is oftentimes considered to be a sine qua non to the smooth functioning of the internet as an avenue for freedom of...

Salient features of the new Copyright Directive - Part 1

The EU’s current legislative framework governing copyright and related rights dates all the way back to 2001 - to a pre-historic digital landscape incredibly different to the present day. This was a time which pre-dated the emergence of the content consumption modes currently in vogue. Back in 2001 Spotify, Youtube,...

Salient features of the New Copyright Directive - Part 2

Beyond the hype, the controversy, talk of meme bans and impending doom for the internet, what will the new law really change? This article is a continuation of an earlier article which delved into the notorious article 13, now article 17.   Part 2 –  Beyond Article 13 (now Article 17)...



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